Sections in this article:
- Step 1- Planning your workflow template
- Step 2- Tasks
- Step 3- Products
- Step 4- Creating your Workflow template
- Step 5- Review your Workflow template and finish
Step 1 - Planning your workflow template
When creating workflow templates you start from the smallest piece and build up.
Start by making sure you have all the tasks you need, then the products you need, and then you add them into your workflow template.
Plan exactly which Tasks and Products you need in your workflow template on an Excel sheet, as in the following examples.
The “Target language/s” step with all its tasks is a smart step and will be multiplied within the order according to the number of target languages selected on order creation.
Only when a Master template creation is required, add the “Source/Pivot language” step for the Master template creation product.
If you externally receive the master template file from your client you don’t need the “Source/pivot language” step, only use the Target language/s” step.
Step 2 - Tasks
Make sure you have all the required tasks in the system.
From: Administrator > Tables > Task types
When adding new tasks or changing existing ones, a logout is required to apply the changes.
Make sure to logout of the system once you're done adding or changing tasks on the “Task types” page.
When using existing tasks, we recommend reviewing the Tasks defaults essentials section in this manual to make sure all important defaults are correctly set
If all tasks are available on the “Task types” page and all Task defaults essentials are correctly set, proceed to Workflow templates - Products
2.1 Adding a new task by duplication
If the task that you need is not available, you can add a new task by duplicating an existing task.
When duplicating a task, task attributes and affiliated resources are copied, so always duplicate from a similar task (asset task to asset task, production task to production task).
You can also add a new task with “Add new task type” in the lower-left corner but that will require manually setting all defaults, so always prefer duplicating from existing tasks.
To duplicate an existing task:
Click the “Duplicate” icon of the task you want to duplicate
Type the new task’s name
Click “Save”
Click “Close”
Once the new task has been added, proceed with setting up the “Task default essentials
2.2 Task defaults essentials
You should set the task default essentials listed below so that when you add this task to orders or workflow templates, these essential defaults will be applied without having to manually set them each time.
Whether you are using existing tasks or if you create new ones, you must make sure the following essential defaults are correctly applied.
Read this if you are using existing tasks in your workflow template
If the 4 “Apply to all” buttons are displayed to the right of an attribute, it means that changes made to this attribute will not be applied to existing orders and workflow templates, only future ones.
To apply the changes to existing orders and / or workflow templates:
Select the required attribute (fig 1)
Click one of the “Apply to all” icons (fig 2)
Apply to all Un-completed tasks (fig 3)
Apply to all existing Products (fig 4)
Apply to all existing Workflow templates (fig 5)
Apply to all existing Workflow templates, Products,
and Un-completed tasks in orders (fig 6)
Click “Save and close”
2.2.1 Link date to
Sets the default Link date that will be used when connecting a task supply date.
Note: The Link date to can be changed later on the template / order / task level.
“Link date to” can be set to:
From: Administrator > Tables > Task types > Magnifying glass
None (fig 1) - The task date will not be linked and will require manual scheduling
Order internal supply date (fig 2) - the date of the task will be linked to the Order internal supply date
Lead days and hours are set on the template / order / task level -
Order supply date (fig 3) - the date of the task will be linked to the Order supply date.
Lead days and hours are set on the template / order / task level -
Step delivery date (fig 4) - the date of the task will be linked to the Step delivery date.
Lead days and hours are set on the template / order / task level
2.2.2 File upload defaults
Upload defaults (file type and file description) are mandatory for file upload.
By setting upload defaults, users will not have to select them when uploading files to tasks or when Toolkit exports files into OOONA Manager.
Once set, the upload defaults will be locked and the basic users will not be able to change them when uploading files (a manager can).
Once you added the required file type and file description, go back to the Task types page and default them for the task.
The file upload defaults can be set to the various settings according to your system setup.
From: Administrator > Tables > Task types > Magnifying glass
Default file type (fig 1) - Sets the Default file type used when adding the task to a template/product/order.
This setting can be changed at any of these levels. -
Default file description (fig 2) - Sets the Default file description used when adding the task to a template / product / order.
This setting can be changed at any of these levels. Adding a new file type
To add a new file type, navigate to: Administrator > Tables > File tables > File types
Click “Add new file type” (fig 1)
Type the “Description” (fig 2)
Set the “Production File” switch to “On” (Mandatory) (fig 3)
For text files, set the “Send as mail attachment” switch to “On” (fig 4)
If the file can be downloaded by users, set the “Can be downloaded” switch to “On” (fig 5) Adding a new file description for a file type
From: Administrator > Tables > File tables > File types
Click the Edit button (fig 1) of the file type you require a new description for
Click the “Descriptions” button (fig 2)
Click “Add file descriptions” (fig 3)
Type in the new description (fig 4)
To save click on the green V (fig 5)
Note: you can edit existing description values by clicking on the pencil icon in the Edit column. Allowed file extensions for file upload
Set allowed extensions for this file type. This is mandatory.
Users will only be able to upload the selected file extensions.
From: Administrator > Tables > File tables > File types > Magnifying glass > Extensions
2.2.3 Toolkit tool
Select the required tool for this task, if necessary.
Set “Close tasks on project completion” to “Default:
2.2.4 Affiliated resources - Mandatory
Select the resources that can be assigned to this task. This is mandatory.
If you copied the task, the resources from the original task will be copied but you can still edit the list
Click on the Connected resources icon
Select or Deselect the resources according to your preferences.
Click Close.
2.2.5 Key Switches
Make sure the following switches are set correctly:
Production task - should be ON for all tasks, except for the Invoicing task.
Depends on status - should be ON for all tasks.
Pool tasks - Should be ON for all tasks that should not require assigning and should be displayed on the Pool tasks page.
OOONA recommends setting all internal tasks that are not assigned as Pool tasks.
For example, invoicing, asset tasks, etc..
Task completion requires file upload/finish project - should be ON for all tasks that will be opened in Tool kit or to which files will be uploaded such as assets tasks.
Suggest to complete task after file upload - should be ON for all tasks that files will be uploaded to such as asset tasks.
Mandatory task preferences
Enable resource rate association - should be ON for all tasks.
2.2.6 Basic Toolkit Preferences
Default Toolkit tool
Select a default tool for this task. The selected tool will open once users click the “Open toolkit” button of their task.
Task completion on OOONA Manager
Once users click “Finish project” in the tool, it can trigger the task to be completed on OOONA manager.
Keep this set to default.
Step 3 - Products
Once you have all the tasks that you need you can create your products.
From: Manager > Pricelist and workflow templates > Products
If you have all the products you need, proceed to Workflow templates - Creating your Workflow template.
If you made any changes in the Task types page, log out before you start creating your products to make sure all defaults will be correctly applied.
From: Manager > Pricelist and workflow templates > Products:
Click Add product
Select “Global product” from the Products for list
Select “Order type” - the default is Localization (Usually this is not changed) (fig 1)
Type the product name in the Description column (fig 2)
Click the green ✔️ to save the product (fig 3)
Adding tasks to the new product
Click the Tasks icon in the Tasks column
Click “Add task to this product” (fig 1)
Select the required task (fig 2)
If you have preset defaults, they will be automatically populated in the following field. If not, they can be set manually. -
Set the “Default file type” (fig 3)
Set the “Default file description” (fig 4)
Set the “Pool task” switch (fig 5)
Set the “Toolkit tool” (fig 6)
Click “Save & Close” (fig 7)
Repeat the process until all required tasks have been added
If you don’t find the task that you need in the dropdown, revert to Workflow templates - Tasks
Once you have all the required products, you can proceed to Creating your Workflow template
To learn how to create prices for your new products, check out the Customer product prices manual.
Step 4 - Creating your Workflow template
Once all required tasks and products are in the system, you can create your workflow template.
From: Manager > Pricelists and workflow templates > Workflow templates
4.1 Copying an existing workflow template
Copying an existing workflow template will save a lot of time when creating workflow templates.
Once copied, you can tweak it according to your needs.
Click on the “Copy” icon of the workflow template you want to copy (fig 1)
Type in the name of the new template in the “Description” field (fig 2)
You can make the template specific using the “Consolidated account”, “Customer”, “Series” or “Teams” fields (fig 3)
Click “Create new template” (fig 4)
Click “All tasks” to review your new workflow template
4.1.1 Making changes to a copied workflow template
Once the workflow template has been copied, you can start tweaking the workflow template according to your needs. Adding a product
Click “Add new product” (fig 1)
Select the “Step” (fig 2)
Select the “Product” (fig 3)
Click “Save & Close” (fig 4)
If you don’t find the product you need in the dropdown, revert to Workflow templates - Products Deleting a product
Click the “Delete product” icon (fig 1)
Click “Yes” to confirm product deletion from the workflow (fig 2)
Once deleting the last product or task from a step, the step is deleted from the workflow template so always start by adding the product you need and then deleting the redundant ones. Adding a single (Stand-alone) task to the workflow template
Click “Add new task” (fig 1)
Select the “Task” (fig 2)
Select the “Step” (fig 3)
To add the task to an existing Product select the relevant product from the list (fig 4).
This is not relevant for Pre + Post production tasks. -
Task defaults will be auto-populated.
Click “Save & Close” (fig 5)
If you don’t find the task you need in the dropdown, revert back to Workflow templates - Tasks
4.2 Creating a workflow template from scratch
From: Manager > Pricelists and workflow templates > Workflow templates:
Click “Add a workflow template” (fig 1)
Select who the template will be available for in the “Templates for” dropdown list:
To make the template available for all customers, select “Global template” (fig 2)
To make the template specific - select “Consolidated account”, “Customer”, “Series” or “Teams” (fig 3)
If you selected a specific use, select the required value.
Click “Create template”
Select “Order type” - the default is Localization (Usually this is not changed) (fig 1)
Type the product name in the Description column (fig 2)
Set the “Link order internal supply date” if you want the order internal supply date to be copied from the order supply date. Here you set the lead days and hours as well. (fig 3)
Click the green ✔️ to save the product (fig 4)
Now, you can start adding the required steps, products, and tasks that will create your workflow template.
To begin, click the “All tasks” icon in the workflow template page
4.2.1 Adding the Pre-production step
The Pre-production step would mostly be for your assets tasks.
Products are not required in the Pre-production step.
Click “Add new step” (fig 1)
Select “Pre production” from the Step list. Pre production should be added to all workflow templates (fig 2)
Select a task from the Task list (fig 3). More tasks can be added to the step later (fig 5)
Click “Save & Close” (fig 4)
If you don’t find the task you need in the dropdown, revert to Workflow templates - Tasks to add it to the system
4.2.2 Adding the Target language’s step
The “Target language/s” step will contain the products which are the deliverables, the final files you need to create as part of this workflow.
For every final file you need to create in the order you need a product (different formats of the same file do not require different products, they can be exported from the toolkit in any required file format).
Go back to the Task view:
click the “All tasks” icon in the workflow template page
Click “Add new step” (fig 1)
Select “Target language/s” from the Step list (fig 2)
Select a product from the Product list (fig 3). More products can be added to the step later.
Click “Save & Close” (fig 4)
If you don’t find the product you need in the dropdown, revert to Workflow templates - Products to create it
As mentioned, additional products can be added to the “Target language/s” step later, if necessary.
Click “Add new product” (fig 1)
Select the “target language/s” Step (fig 2)
Select the required Product (fig 3)
Click “Save & close” Master template creation step (“Source/Pivot language” step)
If you need to create a Master template and then use it to translate into additional languages, add the “Source/Pivot language” step, in addition to the regular steps (Pre-production, Target language/s, and Post-production).
The “Source/Pivot language” step will only be used for the “Master template creation” product and will only be displayed once in the order, according to the first target language selected on order creation.
This step can also be used as the source language of the Target languages that follow, if the Pivot language functionality is used.
It should be positioned after Pre-production.
If you externally receive the master template you don’t need the “Source/Pivot language” step
The “Target language/s” step with all its tasks is a smart step and will be multiplied within the order according to the number of additional target languages selected on order creation

4.2.2 Adding the Post-production step
The “Post-production” step will typically contain the delivery and invoice tasks.
Products are not required in the Post-production step.
Click “Add new step” (fig 1)
Select “Post production” from the Step list (fig 2)
Select a product from the Product list (fig 3). More products can be added to the step later.
Click “Save & Close” (fig 4)
Click “Add steps” to add the step and task.
Repeat the process until all required tasks are added to the Pre-production step.
If you don’t find the task you need in the dropdown, revert to Workflow templates - Tasks to add it to the system
Step 5 - Review your Workflow template and finish
Review your new workflow template to make sure everything is set correctly.
Previous tasks - Make sure the “Previous task” is correctly set for all tasks.
This field determines when the task will be indicated as ready and the OOONA tool will be available. -
Toolkit tool - Make sure all the production tasks are affiliated with default OOONA tools and Toolkit settings are set correctly.
Lead time and linked date -
Make sure the “Link date to” is set correctly.
Select “Non” for manual scheduling.
Select “Order internal supply date” + “Lead days” & “Lead hours” for automized scheduling. -
Upload defaults - Make sure the upload defaults (“File Type” and “File description”) are set for all production tasks in the workflow.
Pool task and Inform next task columns -
Make sure the required tasks are marked as “pool, if necessary.
Make sure “Inform next task” is marked, if necessary.