1. OOONA Manager & QA
  2. Management help files

System check-in/out

Sections in this article:

How to Check-in/out of the system

Enabled users will have a Check-in button on their Home page.


  • Go to the Home page

  • Select your Check-in location: Office/Home/Additional options may be available depending on your system’s setings (fig 1)

  • Click Check-in (fig 2)

Not all Check-in locations are available on all systems and dependent on your system’s settings




To check out of the system:

  • Go to the Home page

  • Click Check-out

You Check-in location will be remembered for your next login


Approving your Timesheet

Your monthly check-ins will be listed on your timesheet.

At the end of the month, you must review and approve your timesheet.

Review and approve your timesheet from: My menu > Timesheet

Any entries that exceed the allowed hours per day will be flagged (fig 1)

Manual entries will be flagged (fig 2)

Manual entries can be added with “Add new time entry” (fig 3)

Entries can be edited by clicking “Edit” (fig 4)

You may have a few pages of results, make sure to review all (fig 5)

All irregular entries will be revised by accounting before being confirmed

To approve your timesheet so it can be processed by accounting click “Approve timesheet” (fig 6)

System check-in/out settings

Activating Check-in/out per user

System check-in/out can be activated in the system to have users check-in when they start working and check out at the end of the day.

At the end of the month, users approve their timesheet so accounting can process it.

This functionality is enabled per user from:

Resource info page > “Reports by timesheet” switch: 


Setting the allowed Check-in locations

To enable location selection for all enabled users click “Enable check-in from” (fig 1)

Select the default locations enabled for users (fig 2)

When “Other” is enabled, users will have to type in their location before checking-in


Setting the allowed hours per day

From: Configuration > Settings > Timesheet > Allowed hours per day

Any entries exceeding the allowed hours per day will be flagged in users' timesheets and will have to be confirmed by accounting 
