Sections in this article:
Order creation with “Add new order”
Order creation by Import from Excel
Last created by me/for customer
Order creation with “Add new order”
Orders are created from: Sales > Sales dashboard > Orders page> “Add new order” button (lower-left corner).
The order creation process has 3 steps:
1. Entering the order information
Various fields are available on the order creation page but only some are mandatory.
Some of the mandatory fields are auto-populated from the system defaults.
The “Price products” button to proceed will only be available once all mandatory fields are entered.
The alert at the bottom of the order creation page will point out any missing mandatory values.
Mandatory fields:
Title- the title of the series/feature/trailer etc. (i.e. Friends)
Duration- the order’s run time
Customer- select the required customer in the drop-down menu
Mandatory fields (auto-populated from system defaults):
Order type- auto-populated from system defaults. “Localization” is pre-selected. Can be changed if necessary
Script- auto-populated from system defaults. “Waiting for script” is pre-selected. Can be changed if necessary
Source language- select the source language of the video file or source material
Target language/s- select languages by double-clicking the language in the “available” box (fig 1). The selected language/s will be moved to the “Selected” box (fig 2)
The target languages sequence in the right-hand “selected” box will determine the target language sequence in the created order.
All remaining fields in the order creation page are not mandatory and can be filled after the order is created.
Once all mandatory fields are entered click “Price product/s” to proceed (fig 3)
2. Selecting a workflow template
After clicking “Price products”, you are required to select the workflow template.
Click “Yes” to proceed to workflow template selection.
Once clicking “Yes”, all compatible workflow templates will be listed.
To select a workflow template, click the blue arrow button in the “Use full template including all products” column (fig 1).
To create an order using only some of the products in the workflow template (product selection), click the green arrow button in the “Select specific products from template” column (fig 2).
To preview the workflow template prior to selecting it, click the “Preview Workflow Template” buttons (fig 3).
3. Pricing validation
Once selecting the workflow template, you will be forwarded to the “Product prices” page which is the final step before the order is created.
Each product price will be displayed in a separate line.
To create the order, click “Apply pricing” in the lower-right corner
Product prices options
Price not currently set- if a preset price is not available for this product, “Price not currently set” will be applied by default. If a preset price will be added after the order has been created, the order can be easily recalculated to retroactively apply the preset price.
If you're not sure which pricing option to select, "Price not currently set" would be the easiest to fix later.
Preset price- if preset product prices have been created, the system will apply them.
To create the order, click “Apply pricing” at the lower-right corner.
Multiple product prices- if a product has only one preset price it will be applied by default but if more than one compatible product price is found, you are required to select the necessary one before you can proceed.
Manual price- any product can be given a manual price. After selecting the manual price option, you can enter either a per-unit price or a fixed price. Manual prices will not be affected when recalculating the order.
Not for billing- if the product is not for customer billing you can select the “Not for billing” option (can also be set as default on the product level so when creating orders with this product, the “Not for billing option” would be applied by default.)
To edit multiple pricing lines, select the necessary option, and click Apply.
The Order creation page has two viewing modes:
Full view- all order creation fields are displayed
Minimal view- only mandatory and key fields are displayed
To toggle between the viewing modes, click the Viewing mode button in the upper right-hand corner of the Order creation page (fig 2):

Order creation by copy
Creating order copies
Orders can be also copied one from another. The order’s workflow template, info, and prices will be copied to the new orders. Extremely useful when creating orders for a series.
Orders are copied from: Sales > Sales dashboard > Orders page > “Copy” button (fig 4)
On the order copy page, you can enter the title for the new orders you are about to create. By default, the same title as in the original order will be displayed (fig 2).
In addition, enter the number of copies you need to create (fig 3).
If the original order was part of a series, the “From episode” and “To episode” fields will be available. Once entering the number of copies, the “From episode” and “To episode” values will be adjusted accordingly (fig 4).
If a different season and/or episode numbers are required they can also be manually adjusted from the “From episode” and “To episode” fields.
Additional actions in the order copy page
When creating order copies you can copy additional information from the original order. Switch on the attribute you want to copy in the “Order copy” page.
The following attributes can be copied from the original order to the new orders:
Number episodes- the new orders will be created with episode numbers. This option will only be available if the original order is part of a series
Retain Resources/Rates/Resource surcharge- all assigned resources in the original order will be assigned in the new orders. You can select to also copy the rates and surcharges.
When copying resources and not ticking “Retain rates”, the tasks rate in the new orders will be set to “Task rate not currently set”.
When recalculating tasks with “Rate not currently set” a rate will be applied (if a compatible preset rate is available).
When completing tasks that are set to “Task rate not currently set”, the system will auto recalculate them when completed and a rate will be applied (if a compatible preset rate is available)
Retain teams- all assigned teams in the original order will be assigned in the new orders
Retain dates- all task and order dates from the original order will be copied to the new orders
Retain customer surcharge- all customer surcharges from the original order will be copied to the new orders
Include notes- all notes from the original order will be copied to the new orders
Retain PO- the order’s PO will be copied to the new orders
Include messages- all messages from the original order will be copied to the new orders
Copy contacts- all contacts from the original order will be copied to the new orders
Include billing notes- all billing notes from the original order will be copied to the new orders
Retain toolkit settings- all toolkit settings will be copied from the original order to the new orders
Copy Media number- the Media number will be copied to the new orders
Copy Resource in charge- the Resource in charge of the current order will be the Resource in charge of the new orders (if switched off, the new orders will be created without a Resource in charge)
Note: Any of the “Retain options” switches in the “Copy order” page can be set to be switched on as a system default when navigating to the page.
Order creation by Import from Excel
Orders can be created by import from a template Excel sheet.
From: Sales dashboard > Bulk actions > Order > Import > From Excel
Start by downloading the Excel sheet template:
Fill in all necessary cells in the template Excel sheet. Each order is to be filled in, in a separate line.
Same as when creating orders with “Add new order”, some fields are mandatory.
Select the required workflow template for the orders you are about to create (fig 2).
If a customer-specific workflow template is required, it will only be available after selecting the customer (fig 1).
Upload the Excel sheet (fig 3).
After uploading the Excel sheet, the import lines will be displayed (fig 4). -
If all fields are correctly entered, the Validation information icon will be green (fig 5).
To create orders with multiple target languages, use a language separator same as appears in the “Language separator” field (fig 6).
Note: if all orders are to be created with the same Customer, Template, or Resource in charge you can enter these values in the upper bar (fig 1-3), and leave them blank in the Excel sheet. All fields entered in the upper bar will overwrite data entered in the Excel sheet.
The “Validation information” icon will be orange and when hovering over it, the invalid or missing fields will be listed.
Some of the fields can be fixed directly from the import page and some must be corrected in the Excel sheet which will require re-uploading the Excel sheet.
Importing a new series: If a new series was entered into the Excel sheet, it will be indicated as an invalid value. Add the new series directly from the import page by clicking the “Add series” button (fig 1-2).
After adding the series, it will no longer be indicated as invalid
After fixing all invalid fields, each line can be imported into an order by clicking “Create order” (fig 1).
All valid lines can be imported into orders by clicking “Import all valid orders” (fig 2).
Note: we recommend to first create one order from the individual “Create order” button (fig 1), and only after making sure the order was created correctly (template, price, and info), importing all remaining orders by clicking “Import all valid orders” (fig 2).
After clicking “Apply to all same orders”, the product selection page will launch. Click “Save and Close” to continue.
To create orders using only some of the products in the workflow template (product selection), click the green arrow button of the required product to disable the product. The disabled product will not be added to the order.
Finally, follow the pricing validation instructions mentioned above.
After clicking “Apply pricing” all import lines are created into orders, click “Close” to go back to the orders page.
The range in the Orders page will be auto-populated to include only the newly created orders which will be displayed on the screen. Click “Clear range” to revert to the full order view.
Recreating orders
Orders can be recreated from: Sales > Sales dashboard > Orders page > “Recreate order”
When recreating an order, the order will be overwritten and the order number will remain the same.
An order can only be recreated for the same customer (The customer can be changed after the order is created).
If the “Recreate order” button is not available, it means that there are completed tasks in the order. Uncomplete the tasks to allow recreating the order.

Last created by me/for customer
A tool to easily populate fields in the Order creation page by copying the fields from an existing order previously created.
Created by me > Copy from last order created by me- the order creation page will be auto-populated with the same values as entered in the last order I created (fig 1)
Created by me > Select from orders created by me > Select the order you want to copy (fig 2)
The following options will only be available after entering the customer in the order creation page:
Created for customer > Copy from the last order created for the customer- the order creation page will be auto-populated with the same values as entered in the last order created for this customer (fig 3)
Created for customer > Select from customer’s orders > select the order you want to copy (fig 4)