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  2. Management help files

Exporting resources' invoices

Sections in this article:

Enabling Invoices export in the system
Exporting invoices
Sending invoice reminders

Enabling Invoices export in the system

Once enabled in the system, a PDF invoice can be exported for the resource’s monthly tasks.

The invoice can be exported by the resources or for them.

This functionality is configuration and role-based.

This functionality is currently only available for resources reporting with the Monthly resource report approval manner

To enable it in the system and for resources, follow the 3 following steps:

  1. Switch on the system configuration:


2. Determine which Resource types can export invoices.

Only the selected Resource types will be able to export invoices (also requires a role).

From: Administrator tables > Resource types


The resource type is set from the Resource info page: 


3. Exporting invoices also requires a role.

Only enabled resources types with the following role will be able to export invoices.

Required role: Can export invoices

The role can be added to specific users or to a role group to enable this role to all users in the group

Exporting invoices

Once enabled, invoices can be exported from the following pages:

  • My menu > Monthly resource report 

  • Finance > Monthly resource report approval status

Invoices can be exported for a single enabled resource or for all enabled resources on the page. 


Users with the role: Department supervisor, can export invoices for other resources even if their own resource type doesn’t enable it

If the resource is getting paid in more than one currency in a certain month, a separate invoice has to be exported for each currency

Sending invoice reminders

Managers can send enabled resources reminders to send their monthly invoices.

The reminders can be exported for a single enabled resource or for all enabled resources on the page. 
