1. OOONA Manager & QA
  2. Management help files

Delivery Date Colors (Order and Task dates)

Order and Task dates across the system are color coded to allow an easy and instant visual overview of the current workflow status.

  1. Red background – The Task / Order is overdue.

  2. Green background – The Task / Order is scheduled for today (The next 24 hours).

  3. Cream background – The Task / Order is scheduled for tomorrow (The next 24-48 hours).

  4. Green background with red border – The task was completed late.

  5. Cream highlighted border – Holiday

  6. Blue highlighted border – First day of weekend

  7. Purple highlighted border – Second day of weekend

Color combinations are possible, such as in #2: Task / Order is scheduled for today, which is a holiday.

Holidays are not automatically updated and require a manual update.
